
Welcome to Normative's Industry CO₂ Insights.

On this page you can see the estimated average greenhouse gas emissions produced by similar companies in your sector and country. These insights help you benchmark your company’s emissions – broken down by scope – and highlight activities likely to contain emissions hotspots.

Annual total emissions

? tonnes CO2eThe carbon footprint of all activities is expressed in terms of Carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e). Scientists convert other Greenhouse gases to the equivalent amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) that would create the same amount of global warming.

This benchmark is based on the annual emissions of companies in the unknown industry in unknown country with an annual revenue of 10 million EUR.


The comparison is based on industry average data for your sector and region, according to EXIOBASEEXIOBASE is a global database harmonizing and detailing supply-use tables for a large number of countries, estimating emissions and resource extractions by industry.. Due to a lack of a universally applied GHG emissions calculation standard, direct comparison of carbon footprints between companies is not appropriate. Factors such as modeling assumptions, sources of emission factors, coverage limitations, and data quality may impact the accuracy of carbon calculations. We therefore recommend being cautious when benchmarking GHG emissions across companies.

What are scopes?

Scope 1

Direct emissions from the combustion of fuel in assets that a company operates such as fuel emissions from company-owned cars, diesel generators, gas boilers and air-conditioning leaks.

Scope 2

Indirect emissions from the generation of energy purchased from a utility provider, such as heating, cooling, steam, and electricity.

Scope 3

All indirect greenhouse gas emissions from your supply chain that do not fall under Scope 1 & 2.